
Premiere Comics!

This was a project assigned in my Identity and Brand Design class. We were asked to design a letter form mark for a local business of our choice. I couldn't decide on a business for a looong time but as Marc and I were suit shopping for his big interview we drove past Premiere Comics and I decided that they were the ones for me! Sounds nerdy except when you realize that I've never read much less owned a real comic book. I guess I'm a poser. Anyways, without further ado (that's a silly word) here are my marks.

This is my first mark in b&w. I drew this by hand and then scanned it in a tweaked it on the computer.

Here is my first mark in color. I chose red, white, and blue because Premiere seems to specialize (or at least advertise like the specialize) in American comics. Notice the halftone pattern going on to reflect comic book printing. Eh? Eh?

Here is my second mark completely computer generated after failing and many more sketches. I'm really happy with the way it came out despite the lack of sketching! It proves to me that sometimes you just need a fresh start and perspective.

Here is my second mark in color. I chose the yellow because I really wanted a yellow star to reflect the *bang pow booms* of the old Batman cartoons and stuff and the blue just goes well with it.

Anyways, thanks for being faithful readers even though none of you can figure out the commenting section. I really couldn't either until I got an actual account. If I ever get pointers on that maybe I will teach you all how to do it one day. =]


  1. Well friend, I have been stalking your blog for awhile so I figure it is now time to comment. I think it is a great idea to do this for an art class. I quite enjoy the second logo with red, white and blue. And yes, I did notice the halftone texture -- very nice touch! It reminds me of Captain America. Keep up the good work :)

  2. Hmm. Just because you said something I'm attempting a comment, because I didn't think it was possible without an account.
    I love your blog sister! It makes me happy that you posted something new! yayyy
    k that's all

